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Photographer and visual artist based in Tallinn, Estonia.

Photography became my medium of choice at quite the young age. Since then, I’ve acquired knowledge and honed my skills as a magazine, press, advertisement and food photographer for various clients.

I would describe my native style as bold, colorful, dramatic and creative – a combination of creative lighting, camera work, set-design, special effects and retouching. All of that has led me into the world of experimental and surreal photography – the ideal playground, where I can push my limits and bring the craziest ideas to life. Being all about practical and in-camera effects, I prefer to shoot everything myself and not use CGI, for there are things that a computer-generated image cannot replace.

Calm and collected, I’ve trained my eye for detail and precision, while maintaining the balance between quality and speed. I love creative problem solving and like to be resourceful in my approach. In addition, I pack quite a wide array of knowledge in photography- and lighting equipment, if I may say so myself. Jokes aside, I do take pride in knowledge, efficiency and technical skills.

In day-to-day life you can find me either on set or building away in my studio. I am also the founder and photographer at Visual Madness (www.visualmadness.eu), a photo production company for when you wish to venture outside the ordinary.

Peaked your interests? I am happy to work with you!

Please get in touch via email info@kristjanjarv.com